Thursday Countdown

When my feet touched the ground this morning ……

I got to witness another day of His masterpiece!

Oh the overwhelming rush through my body …… as I read Scriptures. It corrects the wrong and teaches me what is right. He knows those that are His.
My mother and father first showed me the power of faith and although I have fallen short many times the same faith is strong inside of me.
I exercise my body daily, I exercise my faith constantly.

If we die with Him we will also live with Him. If we endure hardship, we will reign with Him. If we deny Him, He will deny us. If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, for He can not deny who He is. (a reading from, 2 Timothy 3)

I believe that someday the presence of God and Christ Jesus will judge the living and the dead and I want to be part of His Kingdom.

We are having a real nice Fall season, for sure. I am still enjoying all the orange and dark colors of Fall, but …… oh I am so excited about the Christmas season just days ahead!
It seems like every day Christmas trees and decorations are going up all around, and that just brings those glorious holiday spirits seeping into my veins. Even our local gym had their tree up this morning, HOHOHO as I did my morning hustle!

What’s that you hear …… it’s my soul singing out!

Thanksgiving countdown has started! This year as we share lots of food and football with family, it will be extra special. Texas has opened it’s arms to more of my family and I can’t thank God enough.
Thank you God.

As my Thanksgiving day approaches, I am ever so grateful to the One who makes it possible.
Praise the LORD, give thanks to the LORD for He is Good; His love endures forever. (Psalms 106:1)

Yes, I have been born again. My heart and mind are wide-open.
What’s that you hear …… it’s my soul singing out!

We are about to take flight, come join us. Riley picked out a great movie to watch for our trip. And of course, plenty of pumpkin spice to go around. Now grab one of the cozy throws, kick off your shoes, buckle in and sit back for the ride.
Nothing but love to spread here!


Thank you and many blessings from our home to yours.

Riley the Scottie