Thursday Girl

Thursday Girl

You know some days are great and then some days are even better. Oh yeah, just call me Thursday Girl!
If Riley could talk he would say ‘Watch it, all this afternoon dancing has made your tiara slip a smidge’.
Ha! Oh don’t worry my little one …… I kinda like it this way.
You know that feeling when you get to decide …… everything.
Like enjoying a jack and coke in the middle of a Thursday and the music blaring.
Just call it a ‘Thursday Girl’ kind of day.
So much to be thankful for,
for sure.
So many summer songs that bring joy to my heart and light my soul on fire. Always a great ride!
Heaven on earth kind of feeling.
Oh I believe prayers are most definitely answered.
Do I have doubts …… sometimes.
And then I pray to God to help me get past the doubt.
My faith has many layers. The main one is trusting His will for my life. It’s about me trusting that He will guide me through whatever comes my way.
I don’t like having doubt but when I do, I believe it gets me closer to God. I immerse myself in prayer and won’t let it diminish my belief in God.
He brought me to another glorious day called Thursday.
And,  I don’t have my fill yet. Round two coming up!
I won’t stop believing.
Because this Thursday Girl can’t stop/won’t stop …… dancing!

Co-Pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you for another day. May my ears always be tuned to the Holy Spirit and the desires of my heart be full of your love and will for my life. Amen.