Thursday Love

Thursday Love!
Even as the thunder woke me up this morning, there is something about a rainy morning that brings a sense of peace and calm to me.
Oh don’t get me wrong …… coming from a girl who loves her flip flops, yesterday with temps in the low 80’s …… (now that is what I am talking about), Ahem, back to reality, it is after all; January!
So a couple of rainy cool days is not a bad way to spend, just enjoying life. Yep, coffee and breakfast is still yummy. Morning prayer and music time sounds magical and looking at Riley curled up in his favorite blanket is priceless, for sure.
My heart is filled with joy!
I know where my final destination will be, and I will enjoy life until I get there. Oh yes I believe fulfillment happens when we are enjoying what we are doing to where we are going. Do I have it all figured out …… HA!
This I know ……
I have placed my heart in the hands of Jesus. I have learned contentment through hard work. I have learned humility through hard times and pain. I have learned to open my heart to others no matter what I may be going through. I have forgiven others.
And above all, I have learned the attitude of a life of gratitude!
But they that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with Wings as Eagles. (Isaiah 40:31)

Blessings from our home to yours. Peace be with you.

the Scottie