Thursday Love

Thursday Love
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Oh Thursday, you definitely showed up today.  Starting with our morning walk (🔥), yep its summer in Texas! No matter; that’s why I got 🍉 to cool me down, and boy does it work. Then a cup of hot joe and my feet are tapping again.
Nothing but love here!
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I never really considered myself a creative person, (ahem, well everyone has some creativity in them) but you know what I mean …… anywho, this morning I took a creative test and …… turns out I am above average.
Of course many see my weirdness as way above average, teehee. And I am completely comfortable with that!
Well of course I do live by the motto ‘fix your ponytail and try it again’. And because I will always remember who the (*-“+ ) I am!
Thursday Love
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It’s as if I can feel Him breathe the breath of love into me. And I say back, let the wind blow, because everything lost is blowing back to me!

You know; be your own badass!
When I walk in the mornings and I see the grass coming up between the concrete cracks ……
I give them a hallelujah.
(When determination exceeds doubts)
Oh my, it’s Thursday Love, y’all!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie