Thursday Night Love

Thursday Night Love, y’all!

Sunrise promises me love and strength to start a new day ……


Sunset ……

It brings hope, faith and peace to my heart.

The inner calm, oh I know who provides it.

There is nothing better than knowing He holds me in the palm of His hand.
I know that I will not become my best self without effort. Building resilience, creating boundaries and developing healthy habits are just a few things; that helps me weather the curves of life.
When I look around, I know that there is simply no place like home.
I have written this before and I believe with all my heart that it does not matter where you live or the size of your home. A place to show our individuality within the walls and on the walls. A place where we can reset and refuel. (And tonight this glass of Cabernet is part of my reset and refuel) teehee!

There is magic all around, just be still and feel it.

Some people are hard to lift up …… while others are hard to hold down. Maintaining a positive outlook is key. If I am truthful with myself, I can look back at the many decades of my life and recall some type of anguish in each one, yet I will not stumble on something that is behind me. My attitude and intentions throughout this glorious life is what defines the kind of women I want to be.
Definitely not ordinary …… Chosen

When your current life is what you want …… priceless!
I respect what I have been given. 

I owe it all to God. 

A cup of coffee on the patio, a brisk walk every morning, daily snuggle time with Riley and a glass of Cabernet to usher in a new sunset …… some may think these are small pleasures but to me they are exquisite!

Just like the colors of the sunset and knowing who to thank for it.

Thursday Night Love from me and Riley.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie