Tickled Pink, Tuesday

Tickled Pink, Tuesday

Now thats a saying from the past and yet so appropriate now.
Lately I’ve been writing later in the day and it seems to close out the day in such a satisfying way. The events of the day wash over me, (sorta like the pool water) that felt perfect today!
I do it for the exercise (wink wink) but do manage to float on my raft and drift off to magic land for a bit.
I told you, my sister is seeing a whole lot of me this summer, so it’s fun in the sun all around.
And then an afternoon at home puttering around my flower beds and of course some quality time with Riley.
There is something about being at home.
I am truly thankful that I have a peaceful, calming place I call home. The abundance of the present, is so enough.
Some may think that contentment is a sign of boredom, but my dear friends you are so wrong. Contentment for me is knowing that I am at peace in my life, I am so not complacent.
It’s the peace in my heart and soul that fuels my positive energy and mind.
It’s the peace in my heart and soul that fuels my underlying strength.
It’s the peace in my heart and soul that allows me to trust all the turns in my life and the path I am on.
It’s the peace in my heart and soul that allows me to trust people for who they are.
That my dear friends is when you have reached a dangerous awesome level of freedom!

So yes, I am enjoying the extraordinary moments in life that are right in front of me!

Have a great evening.