Tickled-Pink Tuesday

Tickled-Pink Tuesday!

Wow, what a beautiful day this is. I feel as I sit out on the patio that I am transported to a magical place. Well, I am!
With all that is going on around us in the world, there is peace and joy that fills my entire self and all I can say is thank you, Lord.

I have to admit that getting all my doctor’s and lab work back and knowing that I am healthy and trying to take care of myself has definitely given me piece of mind. It also gave me inspiration to never stop growing my mind and learning new things.
I admit I love love love to read.
From suspenseful fiction to self-help to diy and of course daily bible study.
I hope my curiosity never wanes.
I can thank my mother, she was an avid reader too.
Thank you, momma.
Life is wonderful. And I tell myself this everyday.
Oh sure, I could move a little faster, weigh a few pounds less and even dye my grey strands ……
but I wouldn’t change a thing!
Life has a way of teaching me through all the tough times and good times. My internal strength has always been a big motivator for me.
Taking chances is not simple and easy. But you get to see who you really are, what’s inside.
My relationship with Jesus Christ sets me free.
And as my mind goes to that magical place this morning out on the patio, I remind y’all, to find your joy.
I can’t (wouldn’t want to) go back in time. The here and the now is so important.
Of course I look back, mostly with sheer appreciation. And I don’t get stuck in ‘but if only’ scenario.
Most of us may wish at times, we were younger, stronger, have more money …… oh the list could go on and on and on. And then you have to ‘snap’ out it and realize you are where you need to be.
And now what are you going to do?
Live life in complete awe of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Have hope and believe in the path ahead. As those stumbling rocks appear, take time to consider why they are there and kick, push, shove  them out of the way.
That is why it’s Tickled-Pink Tuesday!
Be your own hero and be thankful for this new day, it is most definitely a gift.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you for this day and never leaving my side on this path of life. I am overwhelmed with love and joy that comes from my relationship with you through your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.