Tidy Thursday!


Hi y’all!

It’s Thursday, let’s get Tidy!

Now I know ………  it is New Years Eve and you would rather think about that cute little dress, those great black heels, champagne, dancing, the magical countdown or even a nice stay at home celebration like a family PJs party, family game night or maybe it’s a romantic candle-lit dinner with someone special at home with candles, candles and candles ……… however you celebrate, I wish you a Happy, Safe and Loving New Years Eve!

And since it is Tidy Thursday, it is the perfect day to revisit or change-up around your house and get Tidy. What a better way to bring in the New Year than with a little ‘purge’ as I like to call it ……. and organize your life for the New Year!

Of course at first glance you might think ….. where the heck do I start…….. Oh yeah, it happens …..If you have not bought a new calendar, day planner, memo board ….. buy one or make one ….. It’s that simple. The best way to get Tidy and stay Tidy is to write things down, it really does keep things in perspective!

Now since it is New Years Eve, I will start with some simple things you can do around the house this weekend to kick off the new year and jump-start your new organized and tidy life!

  • Take down the Christmas tree and decorations, all of them!
  • Go through all those magazines, newspapers – toss or donate!
  • Go through all the kids toys, I bet there are some you can – toss or donate!
  • Go through your socks, bras and panties drawer – toss, toss, toss!
  • Go through your closet, quit keeping several sizes …… hey we’ve all done it ….. if you have not worn it in the past year – toss or donate!
  • When was the last time you shredded or recycled …… perfect weekend to get caught up!

See, it really is so simple! Don’t try to do everything in a day or even in a weekend. The best way to keep your home, office and life organized and tidy is by doing simple little things everyday, they become life habits!

Don’t you love coming home to a nice tidy home ….. of course you do.  I sure as heck do …. so, by adopting some simple tidy tips,  I know that when I leave the house,  I will come home to a nice tidy and clean home! That in itself is an automatic ……ahhhh moment when you come home from a long hard day.

Plus it gives me more time to play with Riley! ??

Here are some simple easy Tidy tips that really work if you apply them every day,

  • Make the bed each morning, see how this makes you feel (and it only takes a few minutes)
  • Unload the dishwasher every morning
  • Eat breakfast
  • Try to get up at the same time every day
  • Wipe down the shower/bath after every use (it really does save cleaning time)
  • Always leave keys, purse, phone in the same place
  • Do the dishes, set the dishwater right after dinner, they will be cleaned and ready in the morning to be put away
  • Do some type of exercise, go to the gym, a run, a walk, a fitness video
  • Try to go to bed around the same time each night (this is sometimes still hard for me, ugh, but I am getting better at it!)
  • Review your day planner, to do list each morning and each night
  • Set some time out just for you, it can be a 20 minute bubble bath, meditation, reading affirmations, something that is just for you with no interruptions

So as we start a new year together, let 2016 be the year we will be stronger, braver, kinder and unstoppable!

My New Years Resolution is MORE …….

  • More time hanging out with my family
  • More sunsets to see
  • More long walks with my little co-pilot, Riley the Scottie
  • More hugs
  • More love
  • More fun
  • More beach time
  • More time with old friends
  • More wine
  • More sunshine
  • More dreams
  • More music
  • More prosperity
  • More good health
  • More peaceful slumber
  • More laughter

Start your day with a smile, end it with champagne!

The Best is Yet to Come, Happy New Years Y’all!! 

Riley and I send you love and kindness. Woof Woof ??

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