Tidy Tuesday

Tidy Tuesday!
Do you ever wake up and feel like the ‘brain fog’ has magically been lifted …… oh it feels so good.
It’s like Tidying up our space/our home has also cleared up space for my well-being. And even though I have a few donation bags in the garage left to haul off, it feels so good to have an early start to my spring cleaning. It’s all ‘in the bag’, HA!
The task of getting rid of things and momentos can be daunting. After all, when you are blessed to live a long healthy life, things do get bought and stored, bought and stored.
And I have always liked an organized home no matter where home has been. So whether we like to admit it, buying things for our home brings joy. It brings a calm and coziness to our space. It tells our story in many ways.
And as this new year has started, it has stirred an emotion in me to reassess all the things that occupy our home. Oh, I am not claiming that I have suddenly become a renegade minimalist. Nope, that is definitely not in my DNA, teehee.
But I have always looked forward to my annual spring cleaning agenda to clear out some of the clutter that inevitably seems to have gathered throughout the year. And yet for so many years there are items that remain for another year and seem to just take up space and gather dust. Oh I have become pretty creative in moving them around, protecting them and even displaying them differently. But this time it was different.
This new year began with a sense of awe. A feeling that I really do enjoy a simple quiet life. A life filled with possibilities and positive energy. A life filled with less clutter and more time to enjoy the things that spark joy!
So yeah, this time, I looked around and I saw things that definitely brought me joy and gratitude in the past, and yet here they sit on a shelf not being thoroughly used or bringing joy for that matter.
I had reached a point that said a ‘life excavation’ is about to commence.
So I went down memory lane. I felt an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. Because things do represent periods of our lives. And I know that for some, it may feel that letting go of things is to forget they ever existed.
For me, the memories stay long after the item is released.
And I want to create new memories!
So my shopping days are not over, just more intentional.
It’s Tidy Tuesday!

Co-Pilot, Riley
the Scottie