Top-Notch Tuesday

Top-Notch Tuesday!
Yesterday was a great morning for pool time, so today is a ‘stay inside’ day for us. Another  record day of heat on tap for us.
So after watering my plants and making a yummy breakfast, we are enjoying the views from our windows while the music is playing in the background.
Riley has called dibs on one of his favorite chairs and sista time has commenced, complete with a little snoring!
Definitely a great start to our Top-Notch Tuesday.
It’s a staying ‘open’ kind of day.
Oh yes, my ‘chi’ is flowing
and I am
Giving thanks for all that is.

Honor and respect these moments, this day!
It’s funny how each moment changes me (us). What’s important is to let it happen and pass right on through to enjoy the next.
Because of course life is hard enough and the only way to keep my heart centered is to let things flow right on through.
Hey, not as easy as some might say. I know that our consciousness tends to focus on disturbances which of course creates disturbed energy. Hence, let those flow in and right out.
Oh such a lovely place to be.
Is it better for my soul to hang on to those negative thoughts and energy …… heck no!
I will let life free me.
It does not matter what others do, unless of course you let it matter.
And yes, I live in the ‘real’ world.
Things and people will ignite energies (positive and negative), and it is impossible to stop them completely …… but I believe what is possible is that our center consciousness is stronger than the negative energies pulling at us.
The power of our ‘will’ is at times, unexplainable.
What did someone say, ‘nothing will take my seat of consciousness from me’.
So it might be hot as (*-£^§-+’)
but we are so chillin inside today!
Top-Notch Tuesday!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, Thank you for this amazing home and our great life. Our home; the place to lay our heads, make memories and feel safe. A place designed to reflect the glory and goodness of You. Amen.