Top of the Morning, Tuesday

Top of the Morning Tuesday!

Wow, it’s a beautiful morning after a rough and bumpy nite. Oh the sirens were going off and Riley and I definitely went to our safe room, aka a closet, teehee.
But seriously, we take the weather alerts, well …… seriously.
And this morning …… it’s definitely squishy out there but the sun is here and the green is popping up all over, oh Spring …… welcome!
I’ve lived in Texas for, ahem, well a long time and especially love the Spring season but not the storms. I think we have had tornados around us every week for, well too long.
Oh my trees and shrubs are happy and I can stop running sprinklers for a while, thank goodness.
It’s Top of the Morning Tuesday
I am forever thankful for another day.
I hope you have an amazing Tuesday.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie