Transcend Tuesday

Transcend Tuesday
Oh to embody the transcendent. 
Because I know its not what is in front of me or behind me …… it’s whats inside. 
Now that makes me have a little more giddy-up in my step. 

I trust my intuition (I know who is talking to me). My morning walk becomes my blessing for the whole day! I am not trying to collect abundance, nope …… I am tuning-in to it. 
You know, don’t bring a light to the party …… be the Light! 
No competition here, I got it beat. And it’s not like you can attract well-being, because it flows. 
Transcend Tuesday 
Oh it feels so gooooooood! 
A little dance time with Riley, while we listen to music …… oh he likes it! He tells me so. 
And then afternoon coffee on the patio, oh my so refreshing. There is a gentle breeze under the blue and white sky today that whispers Fall has landed. Well, maybe for just a few hours,  but I’ll take it. (Even while I sip my pumpkin spice brew in shorts and a tank top)
 Life is so full of blessings. 
Don’t waste it on nonsense. 
It’s a magical feeling when you just know, that you do not need to stress, worry, chase or fight for what is meant for you …… it flows. 
Good times, positive energy …… those are the people I want around me. Let people show you who they are. 
Everyone and everything has its own rhythm. I love walking alone. I love my alone time. It allows me to hear my rhythm. 
Oh yeah, it’s definitely, 
Transcend Tuesday! 