Try It Tuesday!!!




Happy Tuesday y’all!

Try something new today. Oh yeah, it’s not easy to step out of your comfort zone ……… is it ……

You have probably heard this before …… ‘Remember, amateurs built the ARK, professionals built the Titanic’ (from inquiring mind).

Well,  for me, I keep trying new things and you know what ….. sometimes they work out …… and sometimes they do not …… so you know what ….. I just keep trying!

So Try It Tuesday, try something brand new! It’s not failure when something does not work out, it’s just time to go and try again.

  • Start today with a grateful heart.
  • Never lose your sense of wonder.
  • Be careful when you follow the Masses …… sometimes the ‘M’ is silent.
  • Never give up.
  • Life is a one-time offer, use it well.
  • Stay positive.

‘Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new’,  Albert Einstein.

Try something new today, there are so many ideas, here are just a few;

  • Start your day off with a brisk foggy morning walk.
  • Try a new hair style.
  • Make dinner for a friend.
  • Take cookies to your co-workers.
  • Get caught up on shredding.
  • Look for a new job.
  • Donate to local food drive.
  • Go to a matinée.
  • Host a chili night.
  • Adopt a puppy.
  • Volunteer.

No matter what you try today, try something new!

And remember to keep walking forward. You will be met with many obstacles, (life is like that) but always remember you are capable of great things! Just keep going and stay on your path.

Fall in love …… with your life!

The top 5 things to remember every day ……

  1. I am Amazing.
  2. I can do Anything.
  3. Being Positive is a Choice.
  4. Always celebrate your Individuality.
  5. I will Succeed.

Make it a great Try It Tuesday!

Riley and I send you love and kindness and we’d love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof. ??

Woof Woof ??
I love Tuesdays! ??


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