Tuesday, December 5th

Tuesday, December 5th. 

aka: Don’t get your Tinsel in a Tangle Day! 
Oh yes, another perfect sunny day here today. 
My morning did not go as planned but boy did I get some things done ✅. 
And for that I am so thankful. 
Which now leaves another day this week completely open, bonus! 
Maybe, not being so organized is actual better. What I thought would take a couple of trips was all completely handled today. So of course as soon as I got back home, the Christmas tree is lit, the music is blaring and Riley and I will go for our walk after lunch. 
Pa Rum Pum Pum Pum! 
– – – – – – 
You know there is always a way! 
There is a place for everyone!
And you know that this place and this time is one of the best times for me and Riley. 
We are in our favorite home, enjoying a spectacular month and making new memories. 
It’s like the stars are most definitely aligned. 
It’s like the best makeup I could ever wear is ‘happiness’. It’s not like there is a path to happiness …… nope, happiness is the path! 
Simply, breathe in only the good s’*t  …… and exhale only the bad s’*t. 
We all got to breathe! 
‘She wore a smile like a loaded gun’ Atticus
Plus a bad attitude totally ruins one’s OOTD.
  I do know that it really seems to take so much effort for me to be negative and unhappy. Oh listen, I got issues of every day life just like everyone else, however I refuse to let them take over my attitude, hope and way of living. 
Those moments are usually short-lived. 
Because I really do believe that true happiness comes from enjoying your own company and living in peace and harmony with your body, mind and soul. 
And my faith is what ensures that. 

I know many will say that social and cultural factors influence our happiness and they do. However, that does not mean that happiness is unattainable. Yes, it’s the experience of joy, contentment, or positive well-being. And combined that with a sense that one’s life is truly good, meaningful, and worthwhile. That is Happiness. 
Breathe that in. 
And don’t forget, I (you) get to define that for ourselves. 
It’s a beautiful sunny day here and since Riley is giving me that look, it’s our walk time. 
Make it a happy day. You are so worth it! 

Co-Pilot, Riley
the Scottie