Tuesday Thoughts

 Tuesday Thoughts
Waking to those dark brown eyes willing me to get our day started, oh Riley; you special little boy!
A January cloudy morning and I’m thinking of just rolling over to see if he notices …… but nope, can’t do it. Something tells me to get up, give thanks and enjoy the stillness that a cloudy chilly morning brings.
I remain joyful.
And yes, I would be in denial if I said moments of doubt and fear have not entered my mind during this past year. Yet there have and remain more moments of joy. And I know that some may think that acknowledging this seems uncomfortable and in poor taste especially when so many are going through unrelenting  pain.
And yet, I know that for me, finding joy is a way of life. It must be.
Sipping morning coffee, snuggling with my Riley, morning prayer time and finding things that make me giggle (which also sparks a release of dopamine), whoa!
I know that joy does not replace dealing with trauma but I do know that getting in a giggle provides me with strength. And no, I am not sitting in my living room all day sipping coffee and laughing but I do believe reading and doing things that brings out the giggles are healthy patterns that for me; make me open-minded, creative and productive.
Now that is a joy-filled life.
Yesterday while walking through the neighborhood, one of our neighbors was riding his bike with his daughter, he said, ‘it’s been a year and we are all healthy and happy and we’re not stopping yet’. Booyah!
As we all continue to shelter in place, work from home and remain in our little bubbles, I give thanks to God and believe that finding the giggles is helping me stay strong.
Tuesday Thoughts!
Blessing from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, Thank you for waking us up this morning and allowing us to experience this blessed and beautiful day.