Tuesday Trimmings, December 19

Tuesday Trimmings, December 19.

My morning was trimmed down a bit. After a wild football game last nite;  let’s just say I was fairly late in getting to bed and therefore a little late getting out of it this morning!
Oh my, what an exciting one to watch.
And no alcohol was needed to get my spirits riding high.
I won’t even write the name of the losing team (I’m a Cowboys fan) but in case you live under a rock, let’s just say it’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas around here, with all the trimmings!
Hey, the season isn’t over yet but nothing keeping me from being excited to watch all these  important games this month.
When your team is still in it this month, well …… just another way to enjoy December as a treat.
So yeah, the Christmas tree is sparkling, a healthy breakfast was had and Riley has had his morning dance with me.
I think some of that adrenaline from last nite is still needing to get out, Ha!
So as we count down to Christmas, seize the moments.
Dance and sing, hug yourself!
It’s important to remember how important you are. Be the trimming!
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There is strength in living your best self.
Life is tough enough.
We need to be our own hero. It truly releases your power and strength. Because aging starts the minute we are born. So never give up, no matter your age!
Life is meaningless unless you challenge old habits, old behaviors and old rules.
Hey, I won’t tell you that I have never thought about death. I don’t dwell on it but  I know that it’s what keeps me alive and pushes me to live. I eat the things that are so yummy, wear the clothes that make me feel good, listen to music like a teenager, dance a lot and never never  stop praying and telling God how grateful I am.
I am trimming!
Have a fantastic Tuesday and wear your trimming like no other.
Namasté. Dear God, May I be grateful for the gift of time you’ve given me. May I savor this present moment, honor my life, and cherish this opportunity you’ve granted me to live out an authentic  meaningful life. May my trimming today sparkle on. Amen.