Ukiyo Tuesday

Ukiyo Tuesday!

Puffy clouds above, green grass below and the sounds of the morning birds.
My coffee is hot, perfect and our morning quiet time brings the outer calm inside.
You know, that quiet place ‘at center’ …… oh the whispers of my heart.
As I look into the sweet eyes of Riley, he literally awakens my soul. It’s the morning love unlike anything else.
This is so my happy place.
And it’s called, setting boundaries, people …… not grudges.
Some just don’t get it.
I was raised to have respect for others and I have learned to have respect for myself.
You know …… characterize people by their actions.
The key to my happiness is right in my own pocket.
Oh, I can be a lot …… a lot of heart, a lot of dreams, a lot of emotions, a lot of ideas and most definitely a lot of love.
And God reminds me that even though
I may walk a little slower, I may see (Ahem), a few more grey hairs and my joy lines are most definitely increasing, my soul remains my guide.
And that brings Heaven on earth a reality for me.
Yeah, I learned to recognize the mirror of one’s heart is in their action.
And I know that God see’s it all.
He reminds me that He is on this path of life with me.

Why yes,
It’s Ukiyo Tuesday, y’all!

Co-Pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you for all guidance and wisdom as we continue our journeys together. Keep working on me. Amen.