Unplug, Recharge, It’s Sunday

Unplug ✅ Recharge ✅ It’s Sunday ✅

Oh my, this has been a whirl wind of a week.

You know ……

the kind we all experience from time to time and are forever grateful when it is gone.

Where do I find my strength?

In the Lord our God.

Oh, are there moments when my strength and faith come into doubt …… of course. And then I remember why my quiet time alone with Him is so important. I believe that He is the only one who gives me the strength, hope and grace to carry me through.

And for me, that is extremely encouraging.

One of the hardest thing to do as a Christian, is to have faith that God is working, and to not be afraid with all that comes our way.

When I am afraid, I will put my trust in you, (Psalms 56:3).

Saved by the grace of God should be enough to give Him praise and thanks, yet sometimes I may not recognize all my blessings for what they are ….. you know …… take them for granted. Yep, I will admit it.

So today, I am reminded that by giving thanks to God for all my blessings ……the big and the small things in my life and in the midst of calamity, I am part of the unshakable kingdom.

He effects my heart and my outlook.

I will praise the name of God with a song and will magnify Him with Thanksgiving, (Psalms 69:30).

There are times when I talk to God and I think it’s all about me …… what I want and all about my problems, when I should be thanking and praising Him for all his goodness and love. It’s the least I can do.

 Today is Sunday ….

Time to Unplug, Recharge and Feed my Soul,

By knowing just how truly blessed my life is!

Love and blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

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