Wake Up – Be Grateful

Wake Up – Be Grateful!

This is my morning mantra – Every Day!

I have stopped searching for happiness, it’s right here inside of me.

Be kind always, but do things for you. No one is responsible for your happiness, just like you are not responsible for someone else’s happiness, do you!

Don’t think it is selfish, it is a basic fundamental of Life ……

God is good, I can be as happy as I want to be!

Be Grateful in all things – stop complaining, it’s negative.

You know that old saying, ‘stop and smell the roses’, well it is so true. Time is our precious commodity.

My path may be mine alone, but I walk along side other souls ……

listen to the wonders of nature ……

and look for us ……


you just may feel me and Riley by your side.

Grab my hand, it’s there for you!

Life is now, and unfortunately it does not last forever so live your best life now.

Enjoy the sunshine, that piece of bacon every once in a while, that daily glass of wine (teehee) and dance …… everyday,

but ……


Wake Up and Be Grateful!

Have a wonderful and blessed day.


Riley the Scottie

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