Wake-up Call

Wake-Up Call

Oh it means so much!
From the simplest of getting a reminder to wake up from sleep, or something more serious like, get your butt up and keep moving.
Yeah, the years of aging cannot be stopped but you most certainly have a hand in the way in which you live in them.
I know that I am not walking alone, God has always been with me. And because of this I know I must do my part.
As the season of Spring is upon us, (well at least here in Texas) I will never forget that He is not finished with me, not yet. Boom!
Oh I heard him say it, ‘child, I am not finished yet’.

Now if that doesn’t put a little ‘giddy-up’ in my step, nothing will.
The love of my family and friends are constant in my life. My circle is small but mighty!
So on this glorious sunny day in Texas, I wish you love and peace.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, My faith and anchor is in Jesus. I know how blessed I am. Amen.