Walk On Your Wild Side Day!!


Hi y’all.  And yes it is National Walk On Your Wild Side Day!

So your might be saying really …… what the heck are you talking about…….

It means ….. Be Unpredictable! It’s a day when you can take a chance to do something no one would ever expect you to do …….. Embrace your inner wild streak …….

Wear nothing but neon pink ?

Dye your hair a completely different color or add a pink or green streak ?

Sign up for a  new class ?

Try a new sport ?

Get a tattoo ?

Do the thing that you said you never would do. Get out of the box your living in and have fun doing something completely different today. It can be something small as long as it’s outside your comfort zone!

Wear those high stilettos heels to work or that wild animal print dress ?

Start reading the bible ?

Try Meditation – rewire your brain for happiness ?

Listen to a different genre of music ?

Eat a different cuisine tonight for dinner ?

You can do something big or small, because whatever you do, it is better than nothing at all. Just do it with Love, always!

Make sure everyone you Love knows it today ❤️

Try a new restaurant and let the waiter pick out your entire meal ❤️

Take the day off to be with your kids ❤️

Sleep in the Buff  tonight ❤️

Hey if you’re not inspired to do something wild today ….. then have a couple shots of Wild Turkey tonight with a friend or love one!!

Today is a gift. Enjoy it, it will be gone before we know it.

Do something different today because it is in your heart, warm your soul and warm the souls of everyone you meet today!

Riley and I send you love and kindness and would love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof??

Co-Pilot Riley the Scottie
Riley the Scottie

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