Wednesday Love

Is it a glorious day or what!

Oh for so many reasons ……

First and most …… because I Matter!

And of course having my precious Riley as my co-pilot every day makes life warm and fuzzy. I am beyond thankful.

I lift my life and heart to Jesus. And yes, I feel the spirit of God inside of me …… which makes me experience less fear of anything, yes even death.

What resonates in my soul …… the language of my faith.

Do I go to church every week …… No. And going to church every week is not in my opinion what makes you a good Christian/person. Do I believe in the doctrine of Jesus’s teaching ….. Yes and I try to practice them in my life.

As I have said before, my faith is a work in progress …… just like my life.

It’s a journey, for sure. And knowing He is with me every step of the way is comforting.

Growing up in a Catholic family did indeed introduce faith in my life at an early age. As we all grow and become our own individuals and walk through the changes of life we learn that life is not perfect but life with Jesus is the greatest adventure.

Spending time with love ones is so important. Yep, sometimes you have to pump the brakes and do what really matters,  doing life with one another.

Grace has nothing to do with anything I have done. Nope, nothing. It’s God’s gift, pure and simple.

And my faith continues to grow as I read more and dive deeper as I communicate with our creator, with my mind, body and soul.

He makes me strong.

Now jump on board, today is a beautiful day. We are cleared for take-off and we have nothing but love and kindness for your enjoyment on our flight.


Riley the Scottie

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