Wednesday, December 13th

Wednesday, December 13th.
Did you know that it is National Hot Chocolate Day!

Something about this nite time treat during the month of December. And so many ways to spice it up or just have it plain. There’s enough chilly nites this month to try many variations, for sure!
I don’t count calories this month
or the next twelve,  HA!
Another beautiful day here in Texas. So of course we take advantage of it and enjoy our walks. The rain is in the near future but only for a day hopefully. And so we will have lots to enjoy inside. Probably a little more hot chocolate!
We may have a rainy week of Christmas but no matter rain or shine, the next few weeks through Christmas and the New Year, our lights will be On.
This month is full of good cheer and it won’t stop.
After all the main event is coming soon and I keep thanking my lucky stars above.
Christmas is magic. May it enchant you with feelings of hope and wonder.
I want the Christmas spirit to envelope me (you) from head to toe and stay with us all next year long.
I want my (your) Christmas to sparkle and the New Year to shine.
I want Christmas to ignite the spark within you to achieve your dreams and feel contentment in life.
Contentment is not boring or lacking, oh no …… it’s the only way to live.

If this time of year is tough, here are a few ways that ground me and fulfill my life.
✅ Read a bible verse everyday. The truth has outwardly power to change one’s heart. If you want contentment in life, this is the best start.
✅ Don’t complain; words we say influence our attitudes. I know by controlling my tongue and choosing thankful and gracious words, then my heart eventually is trained by them. Yes, swallowing words you want to say takes tremendous self-control, but opens the door for so many good things.
✅ Declutter your mind from propaganda. TV time and even reading can be negative distractions. My life is so much gentler when I limit TV time and read snippets of news. And I limit on-line shopping. Buying things isn’t inherently bad and it is necessary at times. But the process can be a big enemy of contentment if not controlled. Limiting it is so freeing and makes me truly appreciate what I have.
So remember, you must have Christmas in your heart to have it under the tree!
Christmas magic is silent;  you feel it, you know it and you believe it.
Now don’t forget to mix up some hot chocolate tonight and keep the spirit of Christmas alive in heart and soul!