Wednesday Evening Post

Wednesday Evening Post

There is something about a beautiful evening after a day of rain.
A peaceful calming evening that is filled with thoughts of everything I am so grateful for.
There is a soft rhythm that lands upon me and brings my soul to a comfort beyond words.
I taste it, I feel it …… and I see it.
Oh to wake up!
The sweet spot between daytime and night.
The silver lining …… always there, for sure.
Thank you, God.

A beautiful calm evening ignites my inner strength. It reminds me that I will never walk alone. It reminds me that not everyone has the same heart as me. It reminds me to stay true to myself because souls recognize each other by vibes not appearances.
I know that He wants me (us) to enjoy our ‘joy’ moments.
Oh yes, every positive thought is a silent prayer.
Can’t hide from Him.
And tonight my soul is dancing and soaring on the wings of my Lord.

Co-pilot, Riley the Scottie

Dear God, as I fall asleep tonight I trust my journey, I rest my soul and may I have sweet dreams and arise tomorrow to thank you again. Amen.