Wednesday Nite Windowsill

Wednesday Nite Windowsill
Oh it’s so much more than a pretty view from the windowsill!
Music playing, sipping a little wine and a dance or two with Riley. A perfect evening taps out the perfect summer day. A little swim time this morning just started the day off right!
And despite the reading of the temperature outside, there is so much joy out of these summer days. There is a stream of strength that is certainly residing in me. Oh my morning prayer and meditation time is a given and then it’s like a rush or sometimes its kicking me out of my chair.  It’s telling me, you are not ordinary …… what are you going to do.
So as me and my sister enjoyed our pool time this morning all by ourselves, it was a blessing!
There is so much goodness in this life (another reason my TV is off more than on). Music fills our home.
I do hope we get a little reprieve from the heat next week. Our morning walks have been suspended. It’s too hot for Riley and for me too. He still gives me that look every morning so I know he misses it as much as I do.
It’s crazy how fast the season is going. It’s almost July and the talk of back to school. But I know we have a long summer in Texas with lots of pool days to be enjoyed, for sure.
And if I do say, my ‘rose-colored’ glasses, look mighty chic poolside. Ha!
Optimistic, Hopeful – my daily vitamins!
Oh things have happened that have upended my life, more than I could have imagined. And I, like everyone else may need some time to process it. And then what I try to do is dig deep and set my intentions to cultivate a positive path.
My faith in Jesus Christ is unwavering.
Optimism and Hope keeps the darkness from taking up residency.
It’s like an electrical charge,  it’s the juice, it’s the mojo, it’s whatever word one wants to call it.
It’s my faith and His spirit that fills me up.

It’s Wednesday Nite Windowsill watching the sun set with Riley by my side. It’s knowing how wonderful each moment is. It’s concentrating on positive thoughts, emotions and energy. It’s dancing in the kitchen. It’s knowing just how beautiful I and (you) are.
Go ahead, think about all the beautiful qualities that reside in you. Write them down. Remember do not think about any negative thoughts or things. As you start to abolish those thoughts, you are left with only the positive things and believe me, there will be a long list. The point is to think or write about accomplishments. Hey, emptying the trash can every day is a positive in my book!
Pretty soon, they become habits, thoughts and a way of life.
Positive Intentions.
Plus, you get to see what an awesome, aunt, uncle, sister, brother, mother, father – human being you are for others and more importantly for yourself.
Life is short. Take care of yourself and go ahead, dance in kitchen!
Wednesday Nite Windowsill!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie