Wednesday Windowsill Wisdom

Wednesday Windowsill Wisdom

Oh there is nothing like it. As I open up the drapes and the sun is just starting  to shine on the windowsill, wait what is that I hear …… not a thing!
Riley and I are up before the birds and squirrels but we know in moments they will greet us as they  do most mornings.
I thank my Lord for this new day.
Is this Texas …… because there is a cool light breeze on the patio. My morning coffee, my precious Riley and my fuzzy robe, oh the Lord is looking deep into my heart.
It’s like the windowsill of heaven is looking down and will follow us throughout the day!
I hear it saying; welcome to a bright new day called Wednesday my child. Your prayers will be answered.
The preview of this day is unfolding nicely.
I know that my greatest wealth is always the health of my body and the state of my being.
My decisions and my actions.
The ultimate windowsill of me!
You know …… be in love love love with every minute of your life!

Co-Pilot, Riley the Scottie

Dear God, thank you for providing the window of hope. My cup and windowsill overflow with your blessings. Amen.