Wednesday Wisdom

Wednesday Wisdom

Do you ever wonder how the things inside of you change as life’s wisdom is gained?
Oh I am a believer!

There is no doubt of who I am. The overwhelming power of His grace fills me up everyday.
Of course these times are complicated. I do not make it a habit of listening to the noise or the news of our world, although; I am not one who has her head in the sand either.

My daily scripture time is more than just a ✅ mark in my day.

I believe it, before I see it.

His words are the best news of the day. His words, fills me with love and peace. Oh, it’s the only way to live.

But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength. (2 Timothy 4:17)
Hey y’all, it’s Wednesday Wisdom ……

Step into this new day …… or dance like me!

I am not looking back and either should you ……

Put a smile on your face, be kind, shine so bright from inside that people want two of what you have ……

Oh I have changed, from the inside …… most definitely.

Only one to thank for it ……

Thank you, God.

Blessings from our home to yours.

Riley the Scottie