Wednesday Wisdom

Wednesday Wisdom

You know that feeling when you wake up and you feel stronger than yesterday, yep it tinkles all the way down to your toes. Hey, someone once told me if I stumble, just make it a part of my dance!
Well I am not stumbling today my friends.
Watering my flowers is a morning routine I love and today one of our neighborhood bunnies came hopping out (more like a full-on sprint) because Riley was right on her heels. Thank goodness she was able to squeeze under the gate. Whew!
A few weeks ago, a much larger bunny (Hank) was not able to get under the gate and I had to ‘corral’ Riley into the house. Yep, my heart was racing this morning, but that little bunny, (Lucy)    she be; small and mighty!
(Wonder Woman)
We all have a little bit of (or maybe a whole lotta) that inside of us, for sure!
Wednesday Wisdom
Resilience – It’s not just about being able to withstand a difficult situation. Resilience is a way of coping with adversity and being able to get some knowledge from that adversity, which then  helps me improve my coping mechanisms for the future.
Hope – A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.

No, I don’t live in a glass bubble.  And for many, it might seem like our current state will not get better.
Oh, but I have resilience and I am hopeful that it will.
Wednesday Wisdom
I know that I could not live my life without faith and hope. It’s the fuel for my resilience, for sure.
Faith is what motivates me to move forward even when the odds are against me.
Hope encourages me to keep running the race.
God’s not done …… with me.

Does God  provide me my happiness? Now that is a question that is both yes and no. I do believe that having a relationship with God provides me with a better psychological position to accept and find happiness, and, yet I believe God doesn’t simply grant happiness to me. Overall, being happy comes from within, as does love, faith, and respect for God.
Oh, I do believe that God lays the foundation that creates a readiness to feel happiness.
Wednesday Wisdom
Oh yes, I see the beauty all around. I am connected to something so much larger than me!
Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie