Wednesday Wisdom

Wednesday Wisdom

That special time in the morning when the sun is not quite ready to appear, there is January frost all over and nature is still sleeping.
Yeah, it’s magical.
The magic of knowing who you are, not what other people think who you are. The deep center core of you, ‘magical’!
And yes, we are coming up to almost a year in this pandemic. Definitely did not see this one coming, but guess what …… I did, I do see me making it through it. Alive, healthy and so much more aware of God’s love for me. It most certainly grounds me.
The quiet time when you sit in your own skin and feel the contentment of ‘you’. Now that’s love!
Oh of course there was a time when the noise of others is what I thought I needed, and many still want that. I believe we are all on different journeys. I simply believe that another cannot force the love of God upon you.
But for me, I know that God is always with me. He isn’t just waiting on me to report my accomplishments and ask for apologies.
And so I bring my whole self to God. Every part of me. Flaws and all.
If you ever feel a little unsure of your footing, a little ungrounded, then let God see you. For most of us that can be very unsettling, because we feel that’s a weakness. We keep it in a bottle held tightly.
But the truth is; once you let go and pour it all out ….. you will feel the richness of God’s love.
The true love of God, it’s right here for me and for you. It’s unconditional and never ending.
Oh the silence of early mornings …… is pure joy and love.
Simple and presence.
The past year of this pandemic has brought a feeling of hopelessness and pain. And yet I am filled with hope and love. I know that I have a long way to go before I will feel safe from this pandemic and yet there is freedom in knowing that I am alive and creating a life I want to live. God has created me to love, live and never lose hope. Yes, me …… with all my flaws and idiosyncrasies.
Love, Peace, Joy
It’s not out there …… It’s inside.
God’s love, true peace and joy …… when you begin to carry this deep in your soul, it’s life changing!
Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

You wander from room to room looking for the diamond necklace that is already around your neck. Rumi