Wednesday Wisdom

Wednesday Wisdom

You ever wake up with that extra little giddy-up in your step and say to yourself ‘life is so good’.
Life feels balanced and aligned.
I know that I always say I am so grateful and that can sound …… well, a little wishy washy for some. But for me, I believe it’s important to deliberately be aware of what I have vs what I don’t have.
It’s funny how being un-busy and doing less brings so much happiness and joy. It brings clarity and reflective moments.  And I have learned to accept my moments without any need to justify or defend.
Oh I trust in the universe and His divine timing.
Doesn’t mean there will be no hiccups or pain along the way, it just means I will have the strength and determination to get through it.
There is so much joy that needs to be nurtured. And if it brings joy, it most definitely is not a waste of my time
We all find it in different ways. Coffee cup in hand and reading a new book or magazine – pure joy. Weeding my flower beds and tending to my plants – pure joy. Daily scripture meditation and prayer time – pure joy.
The things that bring meaning and engagement to ones life is where the connection to joy truly comes alive.
It’s not important what others may think because ……
I no longer seek control – I seek clarity.
I no longer seek certainty – I seek courage.
And my faith has taught me to feel light, energized and free!

Everyday reminds me that whatever may happen, I will be okay. I have no control over other peoples thoughts or actions but I know that my thoughts and actions have an immediate and direct impact on my mental and physical state.
And I don’t want to miss a moment of this great journey.
I surrender to life’s moments.
I accept myself, (flaws and all)!
It’s not ‘settling for less’ or accepting bad behavior and disrespect, no no no.  I don’t just say it’s okay …… although, I have learned to accept other’s behaviors and then decide, what am I going to do about it. Like, accepting people for who they are and knowing their actions and choices are not tied to my happiness.
Self-love, baby!
Self-love is not about arrogance or conceit. It’s about healthy self- acceptance, self-respect and yes self-love. I don’t need another person to make me feel whole.
For many our negative or positive way of thinking started from childhood. The mindset and attitudes we grew up has an impact on how we think …… but you know, you can change that as you get older and develop life skills. I am grateful I grew up in a very loving and compassionate home. Oh we had rules for sure and an endless supply of love and faith.
So yeah, we all get to choose what we focus on.
My happiness is not out there, it’s an inside job, for sure!
As I sit in my new favorite chair, sipping my morning coffee with Riley by my side, I am so grateful for where I am now!
Wednesday Wisdom, all day long!

Co-Pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, you have lavished me with hope, love and peace beyond expectations.  It’s empowering to recognize the magic you have placed inside of each one of us. And knowing no-one can take it away. I am overwhelmed by You. Amen.