Wednesday Wisdom

Hi y’all!

It’s Wednesday Wisdom, all day long,

yep ……

rain and all! ☔️

He shall come down like rain on the mown grass: as showers that water the earth, Psalms 72:6

Oh, life is so grand!

What is your goal for today?

Everlasting happiness ……

That is what my faith brings to me. Oh, it takes courage, for sure. Don’t you know that all my acts of wisdom, indeed take courage. I believe that wisdom is my will-power, attitude and mental capacity to live a life of happiness imparted to me by the Holy Spirit.

Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get into trouble, Proverbs 13:20.

Wisdom is sweet to your soul, if you find it, there is future hope for you. And your hope will not be cut off, Proverbs 24:14.


Be Courageous – Be Wise – Be Kind

As I listen to the rain, I am in awe. It’s magical, powerful and it’s music can be dark and light all at the same time.

Oh rainy days ……

The lawn is soaking it up, the plants are glistening …… my little Riley is napping. Of course I had to give him a gentle nudge earlier to go outside …… I don’t think he thinks of the rain in the same way that I do, teehee!

But you, dear friends …… it’s a Wednesday Wisdom,

all day long.

Soak it all in!

You have it, I have it …… it’s all there inside.


Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world, 1 John 4:4.

Be Courageous – Be Wise – Be Kind

Take it from me, it does not always come easy. Yep, you heard me. I am of flesh and blood too. Doubts and fear try to reroute me. And that’s why my faith and daily prayers are such an important part of my life and keeps me connected to God.

Here’s how:

When I feel weak and uncertain – My Grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness, 2 Corinthians 12:9  – Live a grace-filled life.

When I feel alone – No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you, I will never fail you or abandon you, Joshua 1:5 – Live with courage.

When I feel afraid and powerless – For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of sound mind, 2 Timothy 1:7  – Live a sensible bold-filled life, you fighter you.

Oh, it is important to stay healthy and do some type of exercise for our bodies …… but we must remember that we are so powerful spiritually. It’s our inner-strength that makes us beautiful.

He gives us glorious unlimited resources ……

this,  I believe in my soul and feel in my heart.

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

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