Wednesday Wisdom

Wednesday Wisdom

Oh my, Thanksgiving day is just around the corner and yes I am imagining the smells and taste of this wonderful day!
And not to take anything away from this glorious day filled with food, drinks and football but around here the countdown to Christmas is definitely on my mind as well. Holiday lights are starting to brighten our evening skies. I will wait until next week to turn mine on but it sure is looking purdy in the neighborhood.
Riley’s Christmas tree is getting an update this year. His little tree was starting to get weighed down with all his ornaments so I can’t wait to put up his new tree.
And another tradition at this time of year and the holidays; I always give thanks to everyone and everything in my life. And it also provides some quiet contemplation time. When you are blessed to live a long life, the memories are vast.
Chilly days and then nights by the fire are beyond words.
And since this is the time of year when my cooking and baking skills get a little extra ‘playing’ time, I have already learned a few new dishes and drinks.
So it’s officially Winter, the cozy slippers, socks and sweaters are part of my daily uniform. Me likey!
It’s a beautiful day here and as Riley is giving me that look …… it’s about time for our morning walk.
Wishing you a day full of joy and wisdom.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, Thank you for another day. I look forward to our time together on this heavenly earth during this next season. Amen.