Wednesday Wisdom

Wednesday Wisdom

We woke up to a slightly cooler and cloudy morning. After a yummy breakfast, we went for our  morning walk.
And it was a perfect morning for a little gardening. Nothing better than cleaning up the flowerbeds and trimming a few bushes that makes me happy. Not sure why it’s such a turn-on for me, but anywho!
Gardening- A hobby, a passion ……
Some people call them guilty pleasures but it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you make time for them. I think when people including (me) think of them as ‘guilty’ pleasures, it leads to a ‘buzz kill’ moment or feeling as if you are over indulging.
‘Note to self’
A hot bubble bath, a nite on the patio with my favorite bottle of wine, loud music and dancing, a new book curled up on the sofa with Riley with caramel laced chocolates, oh the list goes on and on and on. The important thing to remember is that we have permission to indulge in our favorite pleasures.
Life is busy. It’s important to do things that bring you joy. Watch how it ignites your soul!
Living in joy doesn’t make me less driven or ambitious. It’s just the opposite.
My favorite pleasures are my connections to living life.
Now come July and August when it’s 100 plus degrees outside, I will admit that after morning gardening time my body will be sweaty and somewhat achy and yet the joy in my soul is overflowing because of my drive and ambition.
And then the next day, I will visit my sister and her pool.
Boom Boom!
Sometimes you just got to marinate on things. Find out what sparks you.
It’s like finding the sun within. Yeah, the sun will shine through ‘you’ when you’re doing what brings enthusiasm.
And who doesn’t want to be around people that have enthusiasm.
For me, it’s the light of God inside.
And whether the word ‘God’ resonates with you, enthusiasm comes from within.
I want to have it, bottle it and share it.
Hey the human race is hard enough. And yep we all get older each year.
I am so grateful that with each passing year, I am still here. Oh there are signs all over of aging and I accept them. Doesn’t mean I will give up on myself or stop doing the things that I enjoy and bring joy to my world.
I still am empowered.
And yeah, all those anti-aging ads …… mere blips. Aging is most definitely a beautiful process. A privilege many do not get.
My spiritual path is on-going. And it includes making ‘fun’ in this life.
I know that this human experience will have hardship and I will face challenges and yet I feel fully alive and beautiful!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, I have so many dreams to fulfill and I am forever thankful for every moment given to me to fulfill them. Can’t do it without You. Wouldn’t want to. Amen.