Wednesday Wisdom

Hello Wednesday!

Looks like round 2 of the storms will be arriving later today …… we made it through round 1 safely, thank you Lord. Our thoughts and prayers to those around us who experienced damages to your property.  It was reported some had to get rescued due to high water but, no injuries.

Thank goodness.

Last night we kept track of the storms most of the evening Yep, we batten down the hatches and were ready to go to an inside closet if needed. Although the storms were pretty major, thankfully the worst of it for us was over before we turned in for the evening.

So we ended the day enjoying a Klondike bar, my new obsession. Oh Mint Chocolate Chip ….. you are better than (*~+’@:=), HA!

Waking up today brings even more a sense of contentment. And I can’t stop thinking and writing about it.

Maturity certainly has played a role in making me a more content person. And I know that it’s a blessing to get to witness a new day. I definitely find that being content has less to do with things and more to do with experiences and how I view my world. No, this is not just putting on my ‘rose color’ glasses …… although, I just love the pinkish hue of them on my face …… teehee!

I have always carried a highly positive outlook and independence that brings me my self-confidence. Although,  lately I have become more comfortable in my skin …… maybe it’s because I know that it is truly a blessing that I get to celebrate more and more birthdays …… if you know what I mean, ‘wink wink’!

Being content is doing what you love, being appreciative, loving your surroundings, taking care of yourself, not comparing yourself to others and living a life of sincere gratitude.

A simple text exchange yesterday between my friends with kind words, knowing that we are looking out for each other during the storms outside, always gives me a feeling of contentment.

I can’t believe that I am really starting to like …… going to the gym …… wait …… this from a girl who really has never been athletic in the lest …… I mean ever! I think I actually flunked-out of gym class, back in the day. Teehee! Just writing that sentence brings me contentment now, because going to the gym 4 times a week with my gym buddy, my sweet sister has completely brought joy to my life.

How cool is that!

Life is not stopping for me at all, it’s just now I have learned to be in the present. It’s hard to enjoy and just be in the moment if you are running at Mach 10 with your hair on fire. Oh that was me before …… now I may walk a little slower, (in my 4 inch heels), drive a little slower and eat a little slower but I see clearer, enjoy more and find pleasure in small things …… everyday!


My daily quiet time is also a major sense of contentment for me. Finding time to be quiet and reflect over my blessings pulls it all together for me.

When I look back at where I have been and where I am, I know that I was never alone, and never will be.

We wish you a wonderful Wednesday and hope you enjoyed our cup of wisdom. Come back often, our door is always open and your favorite brew is waiting.

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

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