Wednesday Wonder

Wednesday Wonder!
Wow, Thanksgiving day is next week;
our weather is superb, got my sisters nearby …… now c’mon …… the blessings are never ending.
I just ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ the holidays.
And today (like everyday), I have to pinch myself …… so so thankful!
The holiday season did sneak up on us.
I think our long long long summer is to blame!
(Did I remind you how long our summer was, teehee.)
No complaints here.

Are you one of those that starts to decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving …… guilty!
I think it’s stems from so many years of working and taking advantage of the little time between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Too little, for sure.
And even in retirement mode I take full advantage. I start early however, I get to pump the breaks a smidge and enjoy the process even more. So the coziness begins. Because I know we will have days when hibernation mode sets in and I am a planner!
Hey, the Christmas decor is just decor …… it’s the feelings and joy of the holiday season that is the best. Love, joy and peace fills our home with a special spiritual feeling. Nothing like starting the morning by candlelight and twinkling lights and ending the day exactly the same way.
Morning prayers and music filling our home, oh it’s on overdrive for sure.
This year I am going more neutral with Christmas decor. I have a lot of red and green but decided they are staying in their boxes. It’s a simpler and cozy approach this year. Plus, since I already have it, no need to buy more ‘stuff’.
Other than a few new ornaments commemorating Riley and yes another year together, it’s a great feeling to not be a victim of shopping for more ‘stuff’, Ha!
And since we are so fortunate right now with our weather, it’s been wonderful opening up some windows, letting the sunshine in and admiring the wonders outside. A few Fall colors have graced our yard and let me tell you, there is definitely plenty of acorns and nuts for the little animals.
So I am officially kicking off the winter season, yep in shorts and a tank top while I reintroduce myself to our Christmas boxes, whooo hooooo!
Oh no, I never get tired of it.
My life is framed in faith.

I most definitely believe in miracles. After all, He lives inside of me (and you).
Wednesday Wonder!

Co-Pilot, Riley
the Scottie