Weeeeee Wednesday

Weeeeee Wednesday (nite)! 

Oh yes, the rain has stopped and I think my allergies are finally leaving my (lungs), haha. No but seriously, this has been the worst Spring allergies I have ever had. Let’s hope it doesn’t come back, whew. Well my stash of Kleenex has most definitely come in handy. 
I know Riley is tired of hearing me and can’t blame him a bit. 
Other than today we have taken our morning walks and I spend a little time on the patio but hopefully I will now be able to spend more time outside. It’s almost May and I gotta start working on my tan because swim time is just around the corner. 
Well more like down the street a bit at my sisters but anywho …… so ready! 
So yeah after a couple of weeks of being highly medicated, tonight the music is blaring and Riley is rolling his eyes at me for entirely different reasons. 
The stars are aligned even behind those lingering clouds. I just know it. Hey call me crazy, but I know it’s from above. 

And you know you are feeling better when ice cream is on the menu. And don’t get me started on wine. Why is it, I crave it when I can’t have it. 
But no worries, the clarity is all coming back and the fingerprint of God has touched me …… once again! 
You know, I have never felt ordinary …… thank goodness. 
Oh the aches and pains often do come; although fully uninvited. And then I get to show them strength and determination. Can’t do it alone, for sure! 

Weeeeee Wednesday (nite)
You heard it before, oh yeah the sounds of chains breaking! 
The music moving my soul. The strength returns. The determination knocking. (My old knees are noisy, haha) 
But soon a glass of wine too! 
Good thing my hips are healthy because daily or nightly (maybe both) dance time has returned. Congestion be gone! You have overstepped and your time is up.
It’s a glorious nite and I know I am not alone. 
Blessings from our home to yours. 

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie