Weeeeee Wednesday

Weeeeee Wednesday!

Pinch me Pinch me …… it’s one of those days when the beauty all around takes my breath away.
Funny, yesterday I was saying my tree out back is still all green and poof …… overnight the golden colors of Fall have started appearing to define the season.
It’s November and our morning walk was still in shorts and a t-shirt …… no complaining here. Because some cooler temps are coming and I am not in a hurry to rush our mild Fall season this year.
You know …… Let Go – Let God!

I can’t believe less than three weeks to start decorating for Christmas, wait what …… oh yeah, I start before Thanksgiving so that on Thanksgiving day morning, I sit coffee in hand Riley nearby and sparkles all around!
The Christmas season is so short. So the extra week of Thanksgiving gives me time to appreciate the special time of the year and allow more time for baking, drinking and just hanging out. Nothing better than spending time giving thanks.
Many prefer to wait till after Thanksgiving and whatever works for you is perfect. Me, I put it up early because it definitely starts coming down right after Christmas day. There is nothing better than ushering the new year in with a clean slate.
But for today ……
Weeeeee it’s Wednesday!
I woke up, I am in this place. This place where everything feels right.
My heart is calm, my soul is lit.
My thoughts are positive. My vision is clear.
I am at peace, at peace with where I have been, at peace with what I have been through, and at peace with where I am headed.
Weeeeee Wednesday!