Wei-Wu-Wei Wednesday

Wei-Wu-Wei Wednesday! 

You know when you. 
It’s a super cool feeling to know that you are exactly where you should be. 
And no, I have not just won the Mega Million Lottery. 
But I will appreciate and be thankful for everything that flows in and out of my life. 
I will focus on the good in the world and myself. Thats how I tune in to happiness. I am proud of the way I live my life.
Living a meaningful life, for sure! 
Not to be a ‘Debbie-Downer’ but we really do not know when our ‘now’ will run out. So it’s not about money or things …… it’s about being the person you want to be, Now! 
 I know that it’s better for my health and overall being to have hope and remain optimistic. I believe my consistent and long term commitment to the small details brings happiness to my life. It’s not perfect and never will be …… but it’s close. 
And that brings me joy. 
So yeah, I look around and appreciate the small things like a beautiful sunny Fall day and a walk around the neighborhood with Riley. A little time spent visiting my sister. An afternoon cup of coffee. 
Pretty close to perfect! 
And I like to think about some of the not so small things. 
Like my health. My health is something that I don’t take for granted. I know that many times we think we inherit ‘bad’ genes and some of that is true. And yet I also know that I (we) can change what we think is inherently given to us. Modern medical advances and the way we choose to live our life is equally important. I will accept that some things will change as we age but our attitude about aging must change too. 
 I may not have the same strength I had 20 years ago but I have the same positive attitude about my life. I have the same compassion for my friends and family. I have the same drive, discipline and motivation to get things done. And I certainly have the same power from within to appreciate the small things that are right in front of me and live a life I am proud of. 
Yes, there is a time to sit back/kick back and do nothing. 
And then there are times when I am ‘in the zone’. Things must get done so why not be at peace while engaging. I have learned to allow the natural flow of life to guide me. It’s the rhythm of my soul. 
It’s work. I am always honing my skills. And most definitely enjoying the ride! 
Wei-Wu-Wei Wednesday! 

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie