Welcome Pink Moon


It’s a Pink Full Moon Tonight!

Welcome Pink Moon

Now you know it’s not actually pink ……

then why is it called a pink moon?

So glad you asked,

it’s named after the pink colored flowers, Wild Ground Phlox, which are usually the first spring flowers to appear.

Did you know …… if you are in New York tonight,  the moon and the sun will share the sky for a short period because the sun is setting about 20 minutes after the moon rises …… how cool is that!

Of course who doesn’t love the color of Pink!

I wore pink to church today, I watered my pink flowers this morning, I tied a pink scarf on Riley …… well …… I tried but he would have none of that …… HA!

So why do I love Full Moons so much ……

It’s the universe feeding my soul ……

releasing the past, getting ready for the new.

It’s like a new chapter, a new book,

hey, you can even think of it as a door closing so a new one can open ……

There is just something about a Full Moon ……

So yep, Riley and I will be looking UP UP UP tonight and no matter

what you may say,

we will be looking at a Pink Full Moon!

Sunday blessings y’all.


Riley the Scottie

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