Welcome Winter Solstice, December 21

Welcome Winter Solstice, December 21. 

The shortest day but oh the longest night to see all the Christmas sparkles! 
Now here in Texas, we might not see too many stars tonight since it’s a rainy day but plenty of sparkles are inside. Plus our patio usually stays dry so our fairy lights will be glistening green and red, for sure! 
Our December so far has been very nice. I am hoping it continues in the new year because our colder months are coming. 
Anywho, this is one Christmas that is special. We have listened to so much music while all the Christmas lights inside bring such cozy vibes. 
 I can see into the future and I see many nites with a fire inside and outside throughout this month! 
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Some of my favorite Winter Solstice traditions:  
Having a fire, drinking hot mulled cider(my cloves and citrus are on hand) and eating by candlelight. And of course, setting intentions for the new year! 
Did you know ……
(Mulled cider is not just a delicious, comforting fall beverage, but also a nutritional powerhouse. It’s rich in vitamin C from apple juice and citrus, supporting a robust immune system and fending off illnesses). 
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So why celebrate Winter Solstice? 
Well firstly, it symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness. Because from this point on, days start to get longer bringing more sunlight. Some may say this is a metaphor for hope, renewal and the promise of a brighter future. 
If you don’t have a Winter Solstice tradition, it’s time to start.
If you can get out in nature do it! Even sitting outside for a bit looking at the trees to remember this year and invite new perspectives for the next year.
Light the candles all day and especially on the dinner table tonight.
 Meditation, journaling and listening to music. (My favorites) 
It’s a nite I always stay up a little later than normal. Oh my, a nice hot bath with your favorite scent sipping hot cocoa. (You’re welcome!)
Well as you can see, there are so so many ways to celebrate. And a little rain is not stopping this o’ girl! 
And of course Riley gets a special treat tonight at dinner. 
Wishing you a wonderful Winter Solstice day and nite! 