Wellness Warrior Returns

Wellness Warrior Returns!
After bbq ribs, tater salad, hot dogs, ice cream and lots of sangria oh my, I know I am not the only one feeling …… a little reboot is definitely needed.
Hey, I am not all of a sudden a vegan (nothing wrong with that though), but after a weekend of July 4th food, it’s time to step back for a healthy reset.
Oh, I still have some ice cream in the freezer (always a summer treat), but I dare not weigh myself for a week!
It’s fun to enjoy a little festive food. Doesn’t mean it should become part of my regular meal planning.
I never feel like it’s punishment to minimize eating beef. Chicken and fish are my go to. So many ways to enjoy them. Doesn’t mean this girl won’t enjoy a fresh grilled filet or a burger from time to time. And of course a little wine will remain my treasure drink of choice.
Hey, it’s summertime.
We all want to enjoy it and live life with gusto!
My swim time, sleep routine, gardening, time with Riley, reading and writing are all important components of my life.
It’s such a paradox; The years keep going by and the more I experience (challenges and losses) the more I feel resilient and young (at heart).
Of course that means no more bbq or the likes till next July 4th, I’m okay with that!
Just don’t tell me to stop buying ice cream quite yet!
Wellness Warrior (retirement mode) Returns!

Dear God, Thank you for giving me the spirit of power, love and sound mind and not of fear. I know you use the trials in our lives to strengthen our faith. Thank you for this happy and harmonious home to live in. Amen.