Wellness Wednesday

Wellness Wednesday!
I might as well confess;  food takes up an exorbitant amount of space in my head. It’s definitely a blessing and a curse because I seem to like just about everything I make. Trying out different recipes and tweaking them a smidge (after all I do need to experiment a bit) is a perfect way to not get tired of the same ol’ meals.
Hey a girls got to eat to keep her energy levels up. (directly from my doctor)
Plus, I think the question ‘do you want to eat’ is one of the most romantic questions,  ever, HA!
A great quote from Anthony Bourdain, ‘People confuse me, food doesn’t.’
Nothing better than music playing and sipping on your favorite beverage while in the kitchen.
I have come to believe I have two soul mates, and one is Bread!
Plus we all know that ‘stressed’ spelled backwards is ‘desserts’, BOOM!
Told ya, I am a foodie girl.
One of my many superpowers.
Nothing like some good food to make good mood. I grew up in a family where food was a major part of our family time. Sitting at the table and enjoying the food, the company and of course the vino!
Now days, I try healthier recipes but love is still the main ingredient. And whether I am cooking for one or more, it makes no difference, the joy of cooking and eating exists. It’s all about self-respect, and I know I am worth it!
Jesus didn’t run projects, establish ministries or put on events – He ate meals. And He always has a place at our table.

I don’t have buns of steel but I have buns of cinnamon …… ooops, I might be over-sharing.
Hey as far I am concerned- cooking is Love made visible!
Give up bread —- over my bread body!
And we only live once – lick the bowl.
WTF in my house means;
Where’s The Food
So yeah, the refrigerator is a clear example, that whats on the inside really does matter!
We all have talents and one of mine is eating.
I am forever thankful for the healthy food and the means to cook to nourish my soul.
(I bet you thought this post ‘Wellness Wednesday’ was about exercising, gotcha!)
Wishing you a Wellness Wednesday,
I gotta go – my bruschetta is waiting!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, Fill my cup, runneth it over. Amen.