What’s in the mirror

 What’s in the mirror?

I have generally always been an optimist …… but a realist, and the images of what is happening with all the unrest brings tears and sadness to me. Yet, I believe the goodness of humankind will rise up together and decency will prevail. It must. We cannot let the color of ones skin or their current zip code dictate how they are treated. I will never understand the cause and destruction of the violence and looting that is happening around the United States and other countries. We are so much better than that.
Yes, we must listen and act. And the inhumanity that is occurring must stop. Of course we will always have diversity and not all agree, but we must stand united with calmness, love and bring light to the dark places.
We are here to lead others on the lighted path, not to be-little or condemn …… this I know for sure.
I may be a senior citizen, but I plan on being around for a long time. I want again to be proud to be an American living in the greatest country ever known.
We have been given this land to cherish and nurture it. We have been given life to love one another, lend a hand to each other and walk united with our heads held high.
You deserve it, I deserve it and I know we are so much better.
Here take my hand, I am holding on and will not loosen my grip.
Blessings from our home to yours.