What’s in your Treasure Chest?

What’s in your treasure chest?

And, you might be saying……….What treasure chest ……

Now if you do not have a treasure chest……get busy…….create one today, tonight…..you will be so happy that you did!  And if you are still thinking, what the heck is she talking about – read on!

I will start with the basic tools.

  • Grab a small trinket box, storage bin, ceramic bowl anything with a lid (really any type of small container will work) just pick one that you really like,  as it will hold your special treasures.
  • Now go through your home and look around at all the things/items that you have around you. (Big and small) Go through each room, take some time to really review and appreciate the things in your life. The things that make your home, well …… your home.

So once you have picked out your treasure chest and have taken time out to look and appreciate all the wonderful things in your life,  it is time to fill your treasure chest.

And no, we won’t be putting the picture above the mantel or the beautiful vase from the living room, or even a little 4-legged furry angel that is following you around, (HA) in your treasure chest.
There is one exception but I will get to that in a minute.

Now that you have your treasure chest, set it aside for a moment and take out a piece of paper, note card something small you can fold and put in your treasure chest. (You can also print off some great and free stationary or note cards on-line too) something special just for you!

Go to a quiet place and start writing thoughts from your heart.

I have shared some of my ideas below.
But this is your treasure chest!
My list:
Keep your faith.
Count your blessings.
Listen to music everyday.
Don’t give up, ever.
Get lots of rest.
Be open.
Take time to silence your mind.
Laugh at yourself and laugh a lot.
Be strong.
Be kind.
Have compassion.
Always tell your family you love them.
Remember you are loved.

You will put this treasure chest in a place where you will see it everyday, open it up daily or maybe just hold it whenever you are in need of a little hope, inspiration and especially to give thanks. It will definitely add some sunshine to your heart.

Oh yeah, the one exception I mentioned earlier……..Now take one small item that has a special meaning to you and only you.  It could be a piece of jewelry, a picture, a key, (you get the idea) one small token that warms your heart and soul just by looking at it. Lay it on top of your treasure list and close your treasure chest and place it in a place where you will see it everyday.  Some days you may open it, some days you may just hold it. But everyday it will touch your soul.
What’s in your Treasure Chest.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie