Who’s leading your life?

Who’s leading your life?

WOW, I cannot help but respond and review so many things from Sunday service.
Not only did I wakeup to a most glorious cool morning for coffee on the patio with my special Riley, I feel consumed with the Holy Spirit.
The beauty of nature I see right in my backyard is magnificent.
It takes my breath away.
It’s quite an amazing feeling that is hard to put to words when you just know that you know;
I am the daughter of God.

And I most definitely know what I am hungry for, (and not just because of Sunday service), oh no …… I recently have had more hunger ……
Hunger for the Holy Spirit.
I definitely feel more connected and united with the Holy Spirit because I am reminded that no matter what, true reality cannot be kept from the Holy Spirit.
(True joy in my life).
And yes, todays service reminds me that ‘apathy’ is all around. You know, the ‘I’m good’, ‘All is good here’, and the ‘whatever’ responses are all about pride.
If you have read any of my posts then you know I do my best to keep it ‘real’. Of course negative things happen in my life and yet I will not let those negative things define me. And like I have said before, I know that I am most certainly a ‘WIP’.
Which is why I agree that you cannot hide the reality of your life to God.
He knows if your heart is soft. He knows if you are easily offended by everything or everyone.
Have I changed directions in my life …… of course.
Have I changed my life – of course.
But not without the power of the Holy Spirit.
Will life’s difficulties still happen, (yes) …… oh, but they will never define me.
The armor of God is my shield.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you for reminding me that your spirit brings joy, peace and love to your children. Amen.