Windowsill Wednesday

Windowsill Wednesday

The other day as I was standing by the window to my patio, sipping my coffee while watching the red cardinal who visits us frequently, I had a lightbulb moment. Mr. Cardinal was out on the lawn and I didn’t want to disturb him so I stood there looking at him and my beautiful plants and yep, my lightbulb was flashing!
Maybe instead of the console in front of the window, I should put a chair or bench there. After all the view is perfect!
I do love sitting out on the patio and yet sometimes I like to nature watch from inside. So today after a little rearranging, I have it.
A bench at the windowsill …… which now has become another Riley hangout too. But hey this girl is one step ahead of him. If he wants to lay up on bench, I get to pull a dining chair out and now my feet are up and we both enjoy the perfect view!
A perfect afternoon with some ice tea, a slice of lemon cake and the music streaming!
Wow, it’s a Windowsill Wednesday!
Definitely not an ordinary day.
After our walk this  morning it was a perfect time to transplant a couple plants and I added a few to the front. Oh the view from the front den windows …… mighty special too!
To nurture a garden feeds my body and soul. There is so much joy seeing it grow. And the best part is that it’s a lifetime journey.
Gardening takes energy and gives it right back.
You know that tingling feeling you get when you enter a garden center …… it’s common sense leaving your body!
I told Riley today I overspent the monthly budget …… through August, Ha!
It’s Windowsill Wednesday!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie