Woof Woof, It’s National Dog Day!


It’s National Dog Day y’all!

Of course Riley thinks every day is National Dog Day ……


it sorta kinda Is!

 I remember as if it was yesterday;  the day I got to bring my little bundle of joy home. Our first night together and all I could think about was that this little furry guy has stolen my heart.

The bond was created.


There is no doubt in my mind that dogs are woman/man’s best friend. Was I fully prepared the day I brought Riley the puppy home. Well, not exactly. Oh don’t get me wrong, I was on cloud nine for sure ……

But yeah,

there were thoughts in the beginning when I realized that this little creature depends on me for …… everything.

So yeah, a little scary.

It’s more than just buying treats and taking him for a walk once in a while. He needs and deserves my love, my kindness, my patience and mostly my heart.

The bond was created.


He has taught me selflessness and happiness. Our life is full of unknowns for sure, yet, he  remains a constant in my life. He lives for the day, the hours, the moments …… which is a reminder to me each and every day to love him.

I know Riley is aware and feels that I will do everything I can to care and love him because I know he does everything he can to care and love me.

Oh, I remember the day I brought Riley home.

The bond was created.


Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie