Woof Woof, National Dog Day, 2021

Woof Woof, It’s National Dog Day! 
TBT, I can’t think of anyone else I would rather be ‘shelter -in-place’ with, than my special Riley. 
My morning coffee taste so sweet with Riley by my side. Our patio time is the best. Of course since it’s still hovering around 100 degrees outside by afternoon, we limit our time out there.  Our neighborhood walks will be back when the temps drop. Hey, my morning walks are sometimes burning my feet through shoes and socks, imagine how that feels on paws, OUCH. 
Riley seems to enjoy hanging inside; well why not …… he gets the run of the house! Always has, always will! 
All dogs are special and I have always wished that everyone would have the privilege of owning a dog, or two. 
I believe dogs are capable of feeling quite a range of emotions, and being left out there in the backyard and excluded from life — even down South, where it’s warmer — is not only dangerous to them; it’s cruel. 
On cold days they can freeze to death and on hot days they can get heat stroke, just like humans. And when it’s raining, we get to come in and change our clothes, they are not able to do that, they suffer and run the risk of getting sick. Come to think of it, imagine being confined to your backyard in cold, rain or heat, maybe having a fresh clean water bowl, (highly unlikely) with no or little love, affection and contact. And you call yourself; Human. 
It’s a privilege and a responsibility to be a dog owner. 
So yeah, animal cruelty makes my blood boil. 
But today it’s all about celebrating the joys and happiness of having our fur babies! 
A little spa day, a new toy, a special treat to nibble on, a cozy nap on the couch, the things we can do to show love to our dogs is endless. 
And best of all, showing love and affection doesn’t cost a thing. 
Be a better human and prove it to your dog! 
Woof Woof, its National Dog Day! 

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie