Woof Woof, My BFFF is coming over!!

Woof Woof, The Scottie Report
Woof Woof,
The Scottie Report

Woof Woof, Trigger is coming over, Trigger is coming over!!

As you know Trigger is my BFFF, (best furry friend forever) and he is coming over to hang out with me and help me publish a new article! I am so excited that my tail won’t stop wagging ….. I can’t wait, and mommy said we are going to the park too!

So as Trigger and I get busy to write a new page we thought it would be on some of our favorite park etiquette ……. woof woof.

Some of these are pretty obvious and require no explanation …..

  • Make sure your dog has all shots/parasites control treatments.
  • Pick up their poop, (Many parks provide bags, or just be sure to bring them).
  • Be sure your dog is not in heat, parks are play time, not for fornicating.
  • Don’t bring food to the park, even dog treats. Some of us may have allergies or special diets.
  • Take the leash off. Dogs on a leash in a ‘no-leash’ zone is dangerous and makes the leashed one feel more insecure and vulnerable being on a leash while others are not. We need to feel like we can take off and run around and not get our neck snapped back.
  • Pay attention, sure it’s fun to meet friends and interact or even get distracted with your phone or text but be a responsible owner and be ready to step in if needed. (there will be clashes even among the nicest of dogs…. it’s an inherent drive to establish dominance especially in a park setting)
  • Some parks have age restrictions for children. (some of us are natural herders and we love to chase running children or feel the urge to protect them and we may get a little aggressive)
  • Be polite to each other.
  • Dress for the mess as they say …. it’s a dog park. Of course not all dogs jump or give kisses but most love to show affection and this does not mean we are not trained. It’s a dog park, expect wet noses, slobber, yucky toys and a little dirt.

Going to the park can be a fun and rewarding time for you and your best friend. Most dogs dream about running, chasing each other and being chased. I am so lucky because Trigger and I get to meet some really really good friends at the park and we especially love running and chasing each other.

Dogs will snap, snarl and bark at each other, its part of our socialization.

Responsible owners will interfere and react/step in if the situation and behavior appears to be escalating and unacceptable. Stay connected with us even at the dog park, Woof Woof!

We hope you come back and visit us again.

Riley and Trigger too!

Is she bringing the popcorn already?
Is she bringing the popcorn already ……


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