?? Woof Woof Wednesday ??


Hi y’all!!

Yes you guessed it, today is dedicated to my little co-pilot, Riley the Scottie. Well it’s actually to all the furry 4 legged co-pilots out there.

You’ve heard it before and will hear it from me again and again and again ……….. I can’t imagine a day without him!

And yes the road to my heart is paved with paw prints??

Some of the worlds greatest treasures are in museums ……others we take for walks ??

Dogs have a rhythm all of their own, if you listen, you can hear it, if you listen, you can feel it in your soul ??

You can be as silly as you want in front of your dog, he will never judge you ……. in fact, he’ll join in ??

If my dog isn’t happy, neither am I ??

The best therapist has fur and four legs ??

Handle every stressful situation like a dog, If you can’t eat it, or play with it, just pee on it and walk away ??

Friendship isn’t about who you’ve known the longest, it’s about who came and never left ??

Friends Forever
Friends Forever

These are for girls ………. will she miss them, I look fabulous! ??

  • So I will end today with a few more pic’s of my two little co-pilots.

Two of the best co-pilots a girl could have !!!

First they steal your heart then they steal your bed & sofa, Ha!!!

IMG_4422Of course lots of people may say phrases like,  it’s just a dog. They are the same ones who say phrases like,  it’s just a sunrise, it’s just a sunset, it’s just a friend. A dog enters your life and changes everything!

Live, Love, Woof                  Live, Love, Woof                      Live, Love, Woof

Hang in there Bro, they might win next week!


My furry 4 legged soul mate might destroy my shoes ……. might  wake me up in the middle of night barking at  …….. nothing …… but his devotion is ageless, his love is forever and the joy he brings to my soul is timeless!

I hope you enjoy the pics! These guys are a joy to have around and always put a smile on my face. Have a great day y’all, Woof Woof ??

Bacon, I’m getting robbed!
I love me some Bacon!

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